The Focus of Our Efforts

This fellowship of worshippers is a place of intimacy and expression of the first love Jesus exhorts us to have in Revelations 2:4-5.
The fellowship represents obedience to God's invitation to "Come up higher", to "Come away from the noise of earthly preoccupation" to "Set our hearts on things above".
Here, we choose to mirror Jesus, and each meeting is a celebration of the knowledge of redemption and adoption to the tribe of the Lion of Judah as children on God.
The fellowship is interactive, with Spirit filled messages, steeped in the Word of God, and reflective of the Kingdom of God.
This is a charity program designed to develop and transform life, targeting rural areas with a view to promoting wholesome Christ-centered transformation; social, Spiritual and economic.
We meet you where you are, and work with you in your environment, and together build a new world of sustainable wholesome living.
This involves training and capacity building, so that in time you are able to influence your community and future generations too.
We are breaking the cycle of poverty and dependency.

This space is specifically designed to reveal the Word of God in visual form through different expressions of Art. The pieces that you will find here are born of visions from God.
This is called Prophetic art, and just as one receives a spontaneous spiritual song, or in a dream, so is the heart of God revealed in visual art here.
This space is inspired by the short adage, "Impartation by Association".
Here you will meet Spirit-filled creative people to build you as you share ideas.
Picture having coffee or a cup of tea with Jesus.
This Cafe and Restaurant is more than a place to hang out. The atmosphere is infused with worship music, all designed to help your mind stay clear of the clatter of carnal living. This atmosphere is designed to guarantee you have a great time, while reflecting on Jesus.
It's a little bit of heaven on earth.